Wednesday 27 May 2015

Journal Reflection [ WEEK 12 ]

Wednesday, 20th May 2015

We had our lecture at 8.30 am today~

so the topic that we discussed was Microbial Group. Basically, in this topic we must know the microbial reproduction, the physical and chemical growth requirement for development of microbial community and also the biofilms.

im going write what i jotted down in my notes.

  • The microbial growth is based on Size of population and not individual growth.
  • The methods of microbial reproduction consists of : Binary Fission, Budding, Fragmentation, Formation of Spores and Sexual Reproduction.
  • Water activity and osmotic pressure is one of the physical growth requirement. the scale goes between (0.0-1.0)   The maximum  level is 1.0.
  • Xerophilic  is microorganisms that can resist dessication.
  • Fungus growth best at log phase (because of the enzymme)
  • Other organisms grow optimumly at stationary phase.
  • They are two strategies to develop a population which are r strategies and K strategies. To create a stable population, K strategies is used.
  • "Autochnotous" is the term used to describe first/native microbe.
  • Autogenic Succession is the microorganism that modify the habitat in a way that permits new population to develop.
  • Allogenic Succession is the microbial species succesion that occurs because the habitat is altered by environmental factors.
  • Climax comunity is rarely  achieved.
  • Biofilms is composed of living, reproducing microorganisms such as bacteria that exist as a community.
  • Oil &gas form a lot of biofilms

Thursday, 21th May 2015

The class at 9 but most of my classmates went late. So, we started as soon as everyone came.

Dr. Wan began our lecture with her story: her experience having a late class. thats was so scary!

so, today we continued our lecture on Principles of ecology. Dr. shows us a Powtoon video made by Radin on this subtopic. Ecology is the systematic study of organisms and their interaction with the environment.

Interaction occurs in our ecology. There are also negative interaction which are competition, prey and predators and parasitic.

we also discussed on 
  • abiotic factors
  • Homeostasis
  • The flow of energy
  • Factors that may affect the stability of the ecosystems and
  • The approaches to effective ecosystem management

I think Thats all. Thankyouuu 

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Journal Reflection [ WEEK 11 ]

Wednesday, 13th May 2015

okayyy, in our lecture , we discussed on Fungi and Mashi's group was the one which presented on this subtopic.  so, the general characteristics of fungus:

  • eucaryotic
  • spore-bearing organisms
  • no chlrophyl
  • reproduce sexually and asexually 
  • absorptive nutrition
So, basically we called the body or vegetative structure of fungus =  THALLUS

THALLUS- single cell/ multicellular

Other speciality of fungus is its cell wall. Normally, the kingdom of plantae or algae have cellulose as their cell wall. But, the cell wall of fungi is made up CHITIN. This type of cell wall adds rigidity and structural support. They are so interesting, aint they?

I'm not going to write all the notes, but I will attach here a video that Ive watched about Fungi.

so, here are the extra information that I obtained from the lecture :)

  • The disease that caused by fungi is called "Mycosis"
  • Spore that produced by the fungi can be transmitted into the air. as we inhale,  our lung will be infected by this spore.
  • The most studied enzymme is B-glucan.
  • Tuberculosis is caused by the fungi-bacteria called "Mycobacterium tuberculosis"
  • Fungi reproduce asexually by budding. fragmentation and sporulation
  • There are five dividon in fungi. They are : Zygomycota, ascomycota, Basidiomycota, Chytridiomycota and Deuteromycota.
  • Antifungal agent can produced from fungi or bacteria
  • Deuteromycota is the type of fungi that are lack of sexual reproduction.
  • The treatment that used fungi to treat pollution is called Mycoremediation

Thursday, 14th May 2015

Today is our replacement class held at DKU at 4pm-6pm. I really dont like when we have our replacement class at evening. but, we've got no time anymore, right. dr. Wan entered the hall with her cherishness. Once she spoke up using the mike, we cant see her face. So,  she need to step on a stage. Dr. Wan is so cutee. (^.^)

So, the group who did not present their subtopic yet presented their part. They were Protozoa and we end it with Virus.

As, I mentioned before that i didnt like when the lecture is in the evening, so, I was spaced out going to elsewhere. What Ive just chotted down are :

  • phagocytosis is the process where phagocyte engulf pathogen.
  • pinocytosis is the process where phagocyte engulf the droplet of liqiud.

Hahaha. Im sorry Dr. Wan. I will look on the lecture notes once again, okay ?

That's all !

Journal Reflection [ WEEK 10 ]

I know I'm kinda a little bit late to post (actually very late.. hehe XD)  my journal reflection. I'm so sorry Dr. Wan. So, here Iam. Im gonna spam my post on previous lecture with Dr. Wan.

Tuesday 5th May 2015

okaaay, we learnt about Archaea after Dr. Wan finished her lecture on microbial group.

So, Choy's group presented on Archaea. They compiled up the archaea characteristics, classification, and unique feature of archaea. if we talked about Archea, what comes to my mind from the previous semester about archaea is archaea is procaryote organism wich have a special ability to survive in extreme conditions such as extreme high temperature(extremophiles), extreme low temperature (phsycrophiles), extreme high salt concentration (halophiles),  and etc..

so, different archaea have different shape and size depending on the condition they live in. but, most of them are in irregular shape as this help them to make a rapid adaptation to the surrounding. Archaea can be classified into

  • based on phylogenetic classification. 2 phylum : Euryarchaeota and Crenarchaeota
  • recent 16S rRNA : Thaumarchaeota (Mesophile crenarchaeota)

anddd... after that , Dr. Wan asked us to be in group. she assigned each group archaea extreme condition and asked us to present all our finding in front the class. so, my group were asked to search about methanogen. So, we did search about this type of archaea in the journal and highlighted the contents. when it comes to present in front, our group got difficulty because none of us didnt want go in front. hehe. its not we afraid but we didnt understand deeply bout this. hurmmm. at the end, Aina and Raidah went in front. when they about to present, Dr. said that we misunderstood her question. the correct is, "how methanogen can survive in thio-environment." As the time comes to 12 noon, Dr. asked us to present in the next class.


Friday, 8th May 2015

We only did "Quiz on Procaryote" today! for me, its quite " krik krik" because most of my friends went for Baksis. but dr. Wan said "Life must go on" ehhehe, so the 2hours lecture is just for the qUIZ.



This is reflective journal on Virtual Microbe 2017 collaboration with students from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) and Universiti Mal...