Thursday 4 May 2017


This is reflective journal on Virtual Microbe 2017 collaboration with students from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) and Universiti Malaya (UM). Last year, Virtual Microbe was introduced by Dr. Wan to our department as one of the student-centered learning (SCL) to enhance student communication skills and widen networking in biotechnological sciences field. At that time, we only discussed on a type of microorganism that has beneficial value or harm effect and discussed in depth using video-conferencing apps, Zoom and sharing websites including Blendspace, Trello, and padlet.  Therefore, in this year, a few modifications have been made to improve Virtual Microbe. In this year, UM has been decided to join us discussing on the pathogen that has significant effect to cause harm to human or other living organism. In addition, each group must complete their task by doing literature review based on journal and research finding.   My group agreed to choose Influenza Virus as our topic as we were interested to know more about this virus that affects human health.
            In the group, each of us was assigned with questions that were provided. My friends and I taught our team members on how to use the apps for video conferencing, websites that can be used to share information and how to do literature review since this is their first exposure towards e-learning. For me, it is quite hard to teach everything just by talking to the screen since the recording time in zoom apps only allows 40 minutes for each session. Besides that, it is easy if they already have the basic ideas on how to make a literature review because it is quite hard to do perfectly since it is the first time they make it. Not only that, from my personal opinion, it is important to assign task to people that are agreed to be committed to complete the task given. This is because it gives extra pressure to the team members to continue the unfinished task to cover their part and it makes the assignment cannot be completed at specific time. Therefore, I would like to suggest for the next Virtual Microbe to form a collaboration with people that is committed and willingly to learn on e-learning tools otherwise they will just take easy because they are forced to (we are also were forced to but at least we do this for assignment mark). Besides that LR is one of the big tasks to be assigned to combine with VM.

However, despite the difficulties that we faced during making Virtual Microbe teach us on how to cooperate in a group and keep sharing knowledge with other people. I believe that what I have achieved today can be used for future referees. 

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This is reflective journal on Virtual Microbe 2017 collaboration with students from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) and Universiti Mal...