Tuesday 22 November 2016


Hi everyoneee! Its good to make come back again. I guess it’s the first time I write journal in this semester. Hehe. As you know that, I’m on my first semester of third year. How time flies, right? To think back, there a lot of things I’ve learnt. From the academic up to life learning either from the classroom to the outside. I am practicing myself to become someone who are multitasking in doing work. I’m so thankful to lecturers, parents and friends who have shaped me the way I’m today. Thank you! So, back to the purpose I’m writing this entry is actually to reflect on what we have done in this semester which is Virtual Microbe.

Virtual Microbe is the task in which we have to do a collaboration with UKM’s student.  We have to choose and discuss in detail about a type of virus. So, we all are agreed to choose Rotavirus as we are interested to find more about this virus. Knowing that, this type virus has caused an outbreak in Malaysia once upon a time in which they infect gastrointestinal in most infant and children. Besides discussion, we also had given a task to teach our friends in UKM on how to use educational online applications such as Powtoon, Cliptomize, Blendspace and many more. This type of assignment is actually a good idea because we are able to share our knowledge and information with people out there.

To be honest, it feels so fantastic on how we manage to complete this assignment eventho there are many challenges we faced to do this assignment. One of the biggest challenges is the internet problem because the online video conference, Zoom need a strong internet connection. Besides that, most of us have our own commitment and busy for our test and assignment for other subject. However, we still manage finished our Virtual Microbes successfully. Lastly, I would like to say Thank you to our friend in UKM who gives a full commitment and cooperation to make this thing end well. Hehe. Its nice to collaborate with you guys! Not to forget, Thank you to Dr. Wan for putting all together and sorry if I, myself have put you down. J   


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This is reflective journal on Virtual Microbe 2017 collaboration with students from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) and Universiti Mal...