Tuesday 26 May 2015

Journal Reflection [ WEEK 10 ]

I know I'm kinda a little bit late to post (actually very late.. hehe XD)  my journal reflection. I'm so sorry Dr. Wan. So, here Iam. Im gonna spam my post on previous lecture with Dr. Wan.

Tuesday 5th May 2015

okaaay, we learnt about Archaea after Dr. Wan finished her lecture on microbial group.

So, Choy's group presented on Archaea. They compiled up the archaea characteristics, classification, and unique feature of archaea. if we talked about Archea, what comes to my mind from the previous semester about archaea is archaea is procaryote organism wich have a special ability to survive in extreme conditions such as extreme high temperature(extremophiles), extreme low temperature (phsycrophiles), extreme high salt concentration (halophiles),  and etc..

so, different archaea have different shape and size depending on the condition they live in. but, most of them are in irregular shape as this help them to make a rapid adaptation to the surrounding. Archaea can be classified into

  • based on phylogenetic classification. 2 phylum : Euryarchaeota and Crenarchaeota
  • recent 16S rRNA : Thaumarchaeota (Mesophile crenarchaeota)

anddd... after that , Dr. Wan asked us to be in group. she assigned each group archaea extreme condition and asked us to present all our finding in front the class. so, my group were asked to search about methanogen. So, we did search about this type of archaea in the journal and highlighted the contents. when it comes to present in front, our group got difficulty because none of us didnt want go in front. hehe. its not we afraid but we didnt understand deeply bout this. hurmmm. at the end, Aina and Raidah went in front. when they about to present, Dr. said that we misunderstood her question. the correct is, "how methanogen can survive in thio-environment." As the time comes to 12 noon, Dr. asked us to present in the next class.


Friday, 8th May 2015

We only did "Quiz on Procaryote" today! for me, its quite " krik krik" because most of my friends went for Baksis. but dr. Wan said "Life must go on" ehhehe, so the 2hours lecture is just for the qUIZ.


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