Saturday 5 December 2015



It has been a hectic week for a student like me. Tests, assignments, programmes and workshop are all around for a few weeks before we having final examination in the end of the semester. Only now, I got a chance to to write this post. (Actually after being triggered by Dr. Wan in WhatsApp group)

Our model 
For now, I'll just tell you guys what happened during our Awesome Microbe Carnival. So, our carnival was held on 19 & 20 November. It is an educational programme that highlighted on the benefits of Microbiology and all about it. Poster, games and sales booth are the main programme.
So, in the department of Microbiology, every batch have their roles and task that are needed to be accomplish. The first year student need to do poster about diseases that are cause by Microorganism. Meanwhile, the second year student have to do poster about the organelle and handle the booth games. The third year student and Fourth year handle the sales booth. all of the sales booth sold food that related to the production of microorganism. For example, kimbap (they use seaweed;algae to wrap the glutinous rice), yoghurt, mini donut (yeast) and etc.




Oh ya, do I forgot to mention that we also have Age of Tunnel that describe the historical and development of Microbiology! This tunnel caught attention visitor that came to our carnival.

And for your informnation, our carnival had 980 visitor from various school and instuition from all over the place. For example, Uitm, Kolej Mara Kuala Nerang and Smk ....... (I cant remember the school name) hee.

So , from my personal comment for this topic, i do think that this programme is a very good programme that give a lot of exposure to people that do not know about microbiology and what we studied in institution. However, since thi programme was held during our test week, most of us unable to study properly because we are so busy with this programme. and this saddened me a little bit. I just hope the mark is above the redline. hahahhaha.

i just wanna thanks to Dr. wan and my felow friends, seniors, junior for this wonderful moment and experience. And Im so happy to work with you guys. heheeh Goodbye!


This is reflective journal on Virtual Microbe 2017 collaboration with students from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) and Universiti Mal...