Wednesday 24 February 2016


H E L L O O O O O O  people!

New semester just coming right through the way and now we are in the year of 2016. How fast time flies, isnt it? I know it already TOO late to wish you guys a happy new year, but I still wanna do that. happy New Year  May our day brighten with the smile on our face and keep strong even the storm gonna hit us.

This year basically I'm taking subjects Enzymology, Microbiology Practical Lab 3, microbial Ecology and Applied Food in Microbiolgy. I 'm pretty sure all of you know which one subjects that require us to write a blog if it isnt Dr. Wan class right? so by through thick and thin, I have to do this to get a splendid mark from her. HOPEFULLY :)

In our firtst class, Dr. Wan came with her cyborg feet. She had broken one of her feet, around the tarsal or something but still manage to moving around despite her condition. I just wanna tell you how much I admire and adore you so much, Dr.- One of the Ironlady I ever know. 

In Dr. Wan class, you will always get your first assignment and project to do for entire semester. If you didnt, it kind of rare ykow. And I know all of us have aware about this so it doesnt matter anymore. This semester, she  ask us to do a project on MICROBES AND ME. A project of awareness to people out there  more about the benefits/ or you can do misbenefits as well on the importance of Microbes around us. so, we are requires to create a group on 6-7 people and make a video or newsletter, infographic, montage and few other things and this requires us to interview an expertise on our current project. In addition, Dr. Wan want to publish our work to community through media networking such as newspaper and etc. Very interesting but I was thinking HOW WE GONNA DO THIS PERFECTLY OMG. 

The first topic we discussed was about THE INTRODUCTION TO PRINCIPLES OF ECOLOGY
we learnt how to define ECOLOGY which originated from the Greek Words, - Oikos : 'household', "home", or "place to live".
Meanwhile, logos means "the study of"
Basically, we study Ecology to know the relationship on environment (including biotic and abiotic) and how to maintain homeostasis and sustainability. There are positive and negative relationship occurs, The positive include the mutualism and commensalism. They are grouped in positive because the host and the hostile either both gets benefit and outcome, or one of them gets the benefit but the other party does not harm. Meanwhile, Parasitism, Competition and Predation are grouped in negative Relationship as one party is harmed by the other. 

new things that i learnt was about vampilic? Actually i wrote this word on my lecture note but i dont know what the term is exactly. even after i have googled it. 



This is reflective journal on Virtual Microbe 2017 collaboration with students from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) and Universiti Mal...