Friday 17 April 2015

BMY 3102

Hello everyone!

To be truth, this is my first blog and I'm decided to post all everything about Microbiology world ! 

Since, I'm the future-microbiology so here we are. 

lets start with the introduction to Microbiology! so what is Microbiology?

tettttttttt ...!!!!
Time is up, guys.
So, in the simple word, microbiology come from micros - small / tiny , bios - life and logos - study . They are come from greek word. Basically, we are learning about the microscopic organism consisting unicellular ( single cell ) , multicelullar ( colony cell ) and acellular ( lacking cells ). This included virology, bacteriology, mycology and parasitology.

If you guys are interested with all this tiny and discrete organism, it is highly recommendation to take this course. 

Somoene asked me, how we can see all this tiny organisms?

so, we are using this

yeah, we are using microscope of course ! but you wont see microscope with this colour in our lab ! hehe. I just took it from google because it looks so cute.

I guess you guys already get the idea about Microbiology, right?  Here is my little advice.

Adios amigos!

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