Saturday 18 April 2015


In this post, I'm gonna  talk about what I've learnt from week 1 to week 7.

During at that moment, we're with Dr. Sieo Chin Chin. A beautiful chinese lecturer with a kind heart, knowledgeable and experienced lecturer. 

Basically, within the seven weeks, we covered two big topic which are nomenclature and classification and immunology. I swear to you, this is not easy, man!

The first topic which is nomenclature and classification, we learnt how to name microorganisms according to international rules and regulations. So, what are the common rules to name an organisms?

  • Both printed underlined or italicised
  • Genus name is always capitalized (e.g. Escherichia)
  • Species name is lowercase (e.g. coli)
  • Species name is never used without the genus name (e.g. coli standing alone)
  • Genus name may be used without species name (e.g. Escherichia)
example : Homo sapiens

                 Homo sapiens

Besides that, we also learnt the method of classifying and identifying. Classifying is usually is based on the arrangement of organisms according their mutual similarity or evolutionary relatedness. Meanwhile, the identification method is used to discover the trait of organism.

Personally, Dr. Seo taught us very well and clearly. This two topics are twice more harder than our previous class, BMY3101. More deep and more informative consisting the processes and the applications. Sometimes, we were too saturated and cannot digest anymore, but I'm impress with Dr. Seo. She took care of us and taught us very slowly and will repeat again again and again until we understand. Long applause for her!

Dr. Seo with The Microbiology family

Sometimes, I feel this is so hard. sometimes, I feel I wanna give up. BUT .... There are lots more to come. But, its okay to sweat planting a trees now so that we can eat the fruits later. I'm thankful for what I be like today. Afterall, He know everything. For sure He know our righteous place, right? sooo, guys.. Let us give out our very best! May we bless and ease by Him.


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This is reflective journal on Virtual Microbe 2017 collaboration with students from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) and Universiti Mal...